Unpleasant Signs
for the Coming of Moshiach
These four introductions set the scene of the time just before Moshiach comes.
They describe the underlying themes that underpin all the Unpleasant Signs (see below) of this era, including why there needs to be so much unpleasantness for something so pleasant as Moshiach.
The Talmud records many signs describing the chaos that'll prevail before the Coming of Moshiach. The global unease is fundamental to the onset of the new era.
7 Insights into Pregnancy, Labor and Birth, that explain the transition between the two extremes of World-to-Date and the New World of the Messianic Age.
Why particularly with the Coming of Moshiach we see the most irrational evils popping up in such forms as family-unit breakdown and suicide bombing.
This Biblical ailment ("Tzaraat") comes back to haunt us at the End of Days. How is it being expressed, and how can we overcome it?
There are some 33 unpleasant signs for the Coming of Moshiach.
These are recorded in the Talmud (primarily in Sanhedrin pp 97-98 and end of Sota) and Midrashic sources, and are analysed in this section.
Each sign would G-d willing cover the following:
Meaning, significance and sources
How does the Sign fit into the overall Pre-Moshiach context
How does it indicate Moshiach's arrival
How the Sign has only kicked-in in recent history, and never before
How does it apply to modern-day reality
What's the call for action
Governments are transforming to align with the way political affairs will be managed in the Messianic Era.
8 Articles.
A set of four signs about the unprecedented spiritual low of the Jewish People when Moshiach comes, and how we'll come out of it.
Before Moshiach comes, wallets will become empty. Six different levels of understanding this sign, all of which have you spending plenty of money, especially on Charity.
As they are named in their Talmudic source
1. Nations fighting with each other
2. Destruction of the Galilee
3. Destruction of Gavlan
4. Wandering of those who dwell on the borders without pity
5. Running out of coins from the pockets
6. Searching for fish for the sick but not finding
7. All prices equal
8. Prices soaring
9. Vine yielding fruit, yet wine is dear
10. The falling gate of Rome
11. The wicked kingdom stretching over the Jewish People
12. The government becoming heretic
13. The face of the generation being like the face of a dog
14. No rebuke
15. Increase in informers
16. Distorted dignity
17. Insolence will increase
18. Youths putting old men to shame
19. Family unit breakdown
20. Cursing and blaspheming
21. Giving up on the Redemption
22. Generation is either completely righteous or completely liable
23. Truth lacking
24. G-d fearing people are considered mad
25. Darkness covering the nations
26. Dwindling generation
27. Wisdom of the scholars degenerating
28. Reduction of scholars
29. Remaining scholars finding hardship
30. Meeting places being used for immorality
31. Sin-fearing people being mocked
32. "So on whom can we rely?
Upon our Father in Heaven"
33. Scrutiny of the scholars