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The Government Becoming Heretic

Step 9
The King is the heart and head of Israel - Heart - Rambam Laws of Kings 3:6. Head - Midrash Bamidbar Rabba 19:17
Crowning G-d is the endgame of Judaism - Starting with Adam who instigated the whole creation to crown G-d (by saying to them "Let's ... for He is a great King..." (Psalms 95)
Moshiach will have honorable ancestry - Me-am Loez Commentry to Psalms Pt.1 p.293
Moshiach winning wars with his mouth - Isaiah 11:4, Likutei Moharan Pt.1 2:1
Moshiach's might is within his counsel - Me-aam Loez to Isaiah p.144
Moshiach greater than King Solomon in wisdom - Rambam, Laws of Repentance 9:2
Moshiach higher than the Ministering Angels in Heaven - Midrash Tanchuma, Toldot 14.
Moshiach sorting out all international and national issues - Isaiah 2:4: "וְשָׁפַט בֵּין הַגּוֹיִם וְהוֹכִיחַ לְעַמִּים רַבִּים / And he shall judge between the nations (= international issues) and reprove many peoples (= national issues of many countries)" -- see MALBI"M on this verse.

Basics of Moshiach & Redemption.
Dream – is Moshiach a fantasy?
Surety – what’s the guarantee Moshiach will come?

Changes – how will life change in the Messianic Age?

Reward – how will we get paid in the Messianic Era?
Miracles – will there be miracles in the time of Mashiach?

End – will the world end?

Coming – when will Moshiach come?
History – Messianic hopes & attempts in the past.
Predictions of when Moshiach will come - קץ or קיצין.
Dates – auspicious dates for the coming of Moshiach.
Today – can Moshiach come today?

Periods – durations and milestones in the Times of Moshiach.

These are the broad topics we'll cover, G-d willing:

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Moshiach – about the man.
Elijah and Moshiach.
Moshiach Ben Yosef.
You – your role in bringing Moshiach.


Rosh Hashanah | Yom Kippur | Sucot |  Chanukah | Purim | Pesach | Lag Ba-Omer | Shavuot | Tisha Be-av


Process – how will Moshiach come?
Shams – false Messianism.

Signals – signs of Moshiach.


The Temple - בית המקדש
Resurrection of the Dead - תחיית המתים
Ingathering of Exiles - קיבוץ גלויות


Significance – how important is Moshiach?
Exile – what’s the purpose of Exile?
Delay – why is it taking so long for Moshiach to come?
Obscurity – why is the end-time so concealed?
Ambiguity – why is Mashiach so unclear?
Controversy – why is Moshiach so contentious?


Moshiach – where is he now and in the past?
10 Lost Tribes – where are they?

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Sydney, Australia

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