Introductions to LGBT
Audience, definitions, complexities involved, and the sensitivity of this topic.
This topic is written for all humanity, as it relates to everyone.
The view point is that of the Torah, like the rest of this website. It'll all boil down to common sense though. Sense (intellect) that is common to all humans.
The content is for a mature audience, although the language used will be as modest as possible.
LGBT – Pepole who identify as non-hetrosexuals or homosexuals. LGBT stands for Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, and Transgender. These are the most common forms, but there are others.
AoM – Act of Marriage. The physical consummation of a sexual relationship.
SSM – Same-Sex Marriage. The AoM but in a non-heterosexual way.
The Agenda – The agenda of some organisations identified with LGBT to normalize LGBT behavior and lifestyle within the general society.
SSM Legislation – Legalization of Same-Sex marriage by government.
People have preconceived ideas. These are largely based on assumptions. We are going to test these assumptions.
The general population has conflicting, divergent, polar views. This is a result of the pre-Messianic darkness.
The Media has grabbed the pro-Agenda view.
This topic is intricate. Much more than a Thumbs up / down. When people debate on the surface without dealing with all the intricacies, that's when it goes nowhere and extreme views remain irreconcilable.
There are four levels to the proponents of SSM:
The person him/herself.
Extensions of the person, being his/her natural inclinations. These include (among others) attraction to the same sex. We are referring to such people as LGBT.
Personal actions, including AoM and SSM, pursuing and physically fulfilling that particular attraction.
Influencing others by promoting the Agenda.
We are going to be referring to these levels. It will be important to bear these distinctions in mind.