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Charity Enriches


the Donor.

And that's when coins go out the window

Further aspects to the Sign of "Moshiach not coming until wallets are depleted of coins"

Tithing your income (giving 10% to Charity) – makes you wealthy.

G-d pays back for acts of Charity with material wealth.


How-much-more-so when giving more than 10%:

  • Up to 20%

– G-d will surely pay back with even greater abundance.

Hence the Talmud's particular wording ("Pruta") in this Sign:

"Moshiach will not come until

Small Coins

(Pruta / פרוטה) are depleted."

It is Small Coins only that will phase out of the wallet.

Because when you're wealthy (as you've given so much to Charity) –

you don't deal with cents.

Or with coins all together.


This Sign: "Mashiach won't come until small coins (פרוטה) will no longer be found in wallets." Talmud Sanhedrin 97b.

Giving Charity brings wealth to the Giver: Malachi 3:10, Talmud Taanit 8b.

Note this does not present a contradiction with the earlier interpretations of this Sign, namely (1) people will spend all they have (with nothing retained in their accounts), and (2) people will spend on Credit (because they have no cash):  Because all the wealth the Giver is blessed with can and will be poured back to Charity.

Wealthy... don't deal with cents (small coins): In this sense, this Sign of Mashiach does not (necessarily) mean he'll come when all money is exhausted, even coins -- rather he'll come when only coins are exhausted, as opposed to notes and larger-value currency, since people will be wealthy (Rashash commentary on Rashi Ibid).

No more coins... but notes: See Ben Yohoyada commentary on this Talmud section (Sanhedrin 97b).

Basics of Moshiach & Redemption.
Dream – is Moshiach a fantasy?
Surety – what’s the guarantee Moshiach will come?

Changes – how will life change in the Messianic Age?

Reward – how will we get paid in the Messianic Era?
Miracles – will there be miracles in the time of Mashiach?

End – will the world end?

Coming – when will Moshiach come?
History – Messianic hopes & attempts in the past.
Predictions of when Moshiach will come - קץ or קיצין.
Dates – auspicious dates for the coming of Moshiach.
Today – can Moshiach come today?

Periods – durations and milestones in the Times of Moshiach.

These are the broad topics we'll cover, G-d willing:

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Moshiach – about the man.
Elijah and Moshiach.
Moshiach Ben Yosef.
You – your role in bringing Moshiach.


Rosh Hashanah | Yom Kippur | Sucot |  Chanukah | Purim | Pesach | Lag Ba-Omer | Shavuot | Tisha Be-av


Process – how will Moshiach come?
Shams – false Messianism.

Signals – signs of Moshiach.


The Temple - בית המקדש
Resurrection of the Dead - תחיית המתים
Ingathering of Exiles - קיבוץ גלויות


Significance – how important is Moshiach?
Exile – what’s the purpose of Exile?
Delay – why is it taking so long for Moshiach to come?
Obscurity – why is the end-time so concealed?
Ambiguity – why is Mashiach so unclear?
Controversy – why is Moshiach so contentious?


Moshiach – where is he now and in the past?
10 Lost Tribes – where are they?

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